CASE STUDIES _ Streamlining EPC Data Management for Lancaster City Council

Streamlining EPC Data Management for Lancaster City Council

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The Challenge:

Lancaster City Council struggled with manually collating and managing EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) data, a process that was time-consuming and resource-heavy. The use of static Excel spreadsheets meant data became outdated quickly, leading to unreliable long-term decision-making and placing strain on council resources.

Our Approach:

AIM collaborated with Lancaster City Council by importing their property list into our platform. Using automation, we connected each property to its EPC data and displayed it in a dynamic, filterable dashboard. This streamlined process eliminated manual entry and allowed for real-time updates.

The Results:

  • Time Savings: What once took weeks was now accomplished in minutes, with updated EPC data accessible instantly.
  • Real-Time Updates: Data was kept current, eliminating outdated information, no more manual time required.
  • Improved Efficiency: The council reallocated resources to higher-priority tasks.
  • Enhanced Insight: The filterable dashboard enabled quick, informed decisions.
  • Strategic Alignment: With the AIM platform, Lancaster can:
    • Prioritise properties needing improvements to achieve a “C” rating or higher.
    • Accurately budget for upcoming maintenance and retrofit programmes.
    • Plan and schedule to update expiring EPCs
  • Cost Savings: AIM provided Lancaster City Council with a cost-effective, scalable solution without the need for expensive bespoke systems, making it a financially viable and innovative choice.

Client Testimonial:

The AIM platform has transformed how we manage our EPC data. What used to take weeks of manual effort is now available at the click of a button. The ability to track updates and filter data in real time has been a game-changer for our team.
– Jo Wilkinson, Chief officer, Lancaster City Council

Why AIM?

AIM’s automated platform saves time, reduces costs, and enhances efficiency, helping organisations like Lancaster City Council make informed, data-driven decisions with ease.

Get started with AIM today!